Datanamix | Products

Portal &
API Products

Enjoy full access to a comprehensive suite of products and information that will assist you in minimise your credit risk and making more informed decisions.

Datanamix Online Portal

When you register (sign up here) your business with Datanamix, you are instantly connected to all the credit bureau products listed below. Enjoy full access to a comprehensive suite of products and information that will assist you in minimise your credit risk and making more informed decisions.

Registration is FREE and there are NO monthly costs involved, you only pay for the reports you draw. Payment can be made via credit card or electronic funds transfer (EFT), or you can open an obligation-free 30-day account.

Integration Products

The Datanamix API (Application Programming Interface) is a RESTful service that retrieves credit bureau and verification data of individuals and businesses over a secure, super-fast connection.

Industry Leadership

Please contact us for more information on our range of services