Datanamix | Solutions

Business Verification

Confirm the legitimacy and validity of any South African business and its principal members’ information, crucial for trust, regulatory compliance, fraud prevention, and ensuring KYC data accuracy.

CIPC Verification

This product offers a well-designed, superior search function with quality, up to date and comprehensive CIPC data for effective verification of company and its directors' registration information. The CIPC Company verification and CIPC Director verification reports are standard features in the Datanamix web service and are available to any registered business client.

  • CIPC Company Verification
  • CIPC Director Verification

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VAT Verification

Our advanced South African Revenue Services (SARS), Value Added Tax (VAT) verification tool is one of the most advanced company VAT verification tools on the market.

You have the option to search from the Company registration number which will confirm the correct company VAT number that is associated with that business, or you can search by the company VAT number, which will confirm the company name and registration number associated to that VAT number.

This report forms part of the standard Datanamix online product suite and is available after registration for any business.

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Business Credit Checks

Select any of the below comprehensive business credit reports depending on your budget and risk. Mitigate financial risks, foster responsible lending and business relationships, and maintain a healthy business ecosystem.

  • Datanamix Business Credit Check
  • TransUnion Business credit Report with CV4B
  • TransUnion Business credit Report
  • TransUnion Credit Vision for Business Report CV4B (Score Only)
  • XDS Business Credit Check

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AML Screening

With our comprehensive AML Sanction Screening products, we enable the right level of risk mitigation for every class of business – from accountable institutions bound by the FIC Act, to SMEs simply looking to protect their interests.

The due diligence product suite includes AML (anti-money laundering) Sanctions Screening, PEP (PIP) data, Adverse Media and Crime Data – all customisable depending on your specific industry, and unique business needs.

  • AML Sanctions Screening/PEP/PIP Adverse Media
  • AML Sanctions Screening/PEP/PIP + Crime Data
  • OFAC, US Department of Treasury Sanction List

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Bank Verification

The Realtime Account (holder) Verification Service (AVS-R) is a function that verifies the authenticity of a bank account linked to an individual or a company in South Africa to facilitate secure financial transactions and prevent fraud.

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Optical Character
Recognition (OCR)

Optical Character Recognition (OCR) technology plays a pivotal role in business verification by streamlining the process of confirming the legitimacy and validity of South African businesses and their principal members' information. OCR enables quick and accurate verification of crucial details by digitising and extracting text from physical documents such as business licenses, identification documents, and regulatory filings.

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Industry Solutions

Gain full access to an extensive variety of products and data, which can assist you in reducing your company's credit risk and making better-informed decisions.

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More leaders using Datanamix

Capitec Bank
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Please contact us for more information on our range of services