Datanamix Legal
Terms and Conditions
Datanamix Website Terms and Conditions of Use & Service Agreement between Datanamix (PTY) Limited and YOU.
Privacy Notice
Datanamix (Pty) Limited is a privately held company incorporated in and subject to the laws of South Africa.
Email Legal Notices
Datanamix provides software, hardware and services that integrate physical and digital communications channels.
Consumer Protection Notice
South African consumer protection rights arise largely from the Constitution of South Africa 1996
Company Info Notice
This provides all information on pbVerify such as Company registration number, email, VAT Registration number and more.
Data Protection
Datanamix needs to gather and use certain information about individuals and businesses.
Prescribed Purpose
The National Credit Act no. 34 of 2005 ("NCA") requires that you indicate the enquiry reason or prescribed purpose for which you require the credit report/credit information.
Access to Information Manual
This information manual (Manual) provides an outline of the types of records held by Datanamix and explains how a request for access to the records should be made.