3D Facial Liveness Biometrics
Frictionless Security for Real Users
Liveness Checks & Face Matches are now fast, easy, and incredibly secure for everyone, regardless of their device. During onboarding, a quick video-selfie verifies 3D Liveness, compares the user’s face to their Photo ID, OCRs the ID text, and searches previously enrolled FaceMaps for duplicates. When the user returns, ongoing face authentication again proves 3D Liveness and compares the new 3D FaceMap to the one from onboarding. If they match, access is granted; no password required.
Brick wall for bad actors
Use your 3D face to unlock anything from a car door to a bank account. Real users get easy access, but bad actors and bots are rebuffed by Anti-spoofing AI Certified by a NIST/NVLAP lab and relentlessly tested by a $600,000 Spoof Bounty. FaceTec is the market leader that invented the 3D FaceMap, the biometric modality that provides more security, flexibility, and convenience than any other.
Security Certified #1 in the World
Can a Simple Selfie Really Provide Security?
Typically they can’t because 2D photos of most people are already all over the Internet. But FaceTec isn’t just a “selfie”; it’s a 3D FaceScan that enables a strong Liveness Check and contains a 3D FaceMap, which IS NOT publicly available online. FaceTec ensures the user is physically present and isn’t fooled by photos, masks, or deepfakes.
FaceTec’s Liveness Detection AI must observe so many concurrent human traits that spoof artifacts are unable to recreate them all at once. FaceTec’s 3D Face Matching then compares to the user’s previously-stored 3D FaceMap, and if the two 3D FaceMaps highly match (1/125M+ FAR), the verified user is granted access.
Skeptical? Good, you should be! Try our $600,000 Spoof Bounty Program for yourself.
No Real-Time Liveness Data = No Honeypot Risk
Two types of data are required for every face authentication: 3D Face Data for matching, and real-time 3D Liveness Data to prove the Face Data was collected from a live, present person. 3D Liveness Data must be timestamped, is valid only for a few minutes, and then can be deleted. New 3D Liveness Data must be collected for every subsequent FaceTec login.
Storing 3D FaceMaps doesn’t create honeypot risk because they are “Face Data” without any Liveness Data, so they cannot be used to spoof FaceTec’s 3D Liveness AI. Think of the stored 3D FaceMap as the Lock, the user’s newly collected 3D FaceMap as a One-Time-Use Key, and the new 3D Liveness Data as proof that the Key has never been used in the lock before.
FaceTec's Encrypted 3D FaceScans & FaceMaps:
- Can’t Be Phished From Users
- Aren’t a Biometric Honeypot
- Stop Credential Sharing
- Stop Botnet Attacks
- 1:1 Match at 1/125M FAR
- 1:N De-duplicate up to 1/1B FAR
- Match 2D Photos up to 1/2M FAR
- Provide Anonymous Age Checks
Want to Learn More?
How FaceTec Works
During the user session, the camera’s view of the 3D face changes, observing perspective distortion and proving it is 3D. In under two seconds, FaceTec’s Device SDK processes 100+ video frames and reverse engineers a 3D FaceMap from the standard 2D camera.
Match 3D Liveness to ID photo
Can be used with a Profile Image or an ID image
3D Liveness Options
FaceTec Live Demos
FaceTec Anchors Digital Identity
Certified Liveness For KYC Onboarding + 3D Face Matching for Ongoing Authentication
Camera Security
3D Liveness
Biometric Identity
Certified Liveness Detection
Presentation Attack Detection tests include:
- 2D paper photos & digital images
- High resolution videos
- Paper masks with eye & mouth cutouts
- Hollywood masks, wax figures & lifelike dolls
- Photos or video frames animated into avatars
- Video projections on 3D heads
- Sleeping users with closed eyes
- Device Emulators & Virtual Camera programs
- Imposters, lookalikes & doppelgangers
- Hardware Video Injection adapters
Operating a Spoof Bounty Program since October, 2019, and passing NIST/NVLAP Lab Level 1 & 2 PAD testing with 0% FAR is proof that FaceTec is a NEW unsharable, unphishable modality that is virtually impossible to fool using today’s media technology.
Stop Spoofing
Liveness Detection & Face Authentication Software
Batch Verification 101: Everything You Need To Know
Biometric Best Practices
- Demand 3D Liveness Detection backed by a Spoof/Bypass Bounty Program. Without it, you cannot trust unsupervised users and will be put at risk by “Suprema” type biometric data breaches. With strong 3D Liveness & 3D Matching, the data breaches of others can’t be leveraged against your users. Whitepaper
- Delete Liveness Data after each login and collect new Liveness Data for every new session. This prevents biometric honeypots and allows for safe, centralised biometric storage. See www.Liveness.com
- Centralised 3D FaceMap storage with server-side 3D neural networks is the only way to truly replace passwords, enable cross-platform logins, simplify device upgrades, and allow multiple devices and users.
- Only true 3D Algorithms that measure the shape of the user’s face can be unbiased to skin tone. FaceTec trained it’s 3D Algorithms with the help of over half-a-million volunteer testers from 170+ countries.
- Get the Acuity Research Report: Face Verification & Liveness Synonymous with Remote Onboarding
Case Studies & White Papers
Learn more about Certified Liveness and 3D Face Matching’s use cases, interface, security and 3rd-party testing, below.
Case Studies:
White Papers & Interviews:
Independent 3rd-Party Testing & Certification