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Big problem South African banks have with old green ID books Big problem South African banks have with old green ID books

News Watch

South Africa’s major banks may not accept damaged green ID books as verification of a person’s identity, potentially creating big problems for naturalised citizens...

Many more businesses must now be FICA compliant or risk massive fines

News Watch

The Financial Intelligence Centre Act (FICA) has been amended to include many more businesses under the scope of so-called “accountable institutions”. This means these...

South Africa set to remain on FATF greylist until 2025, Treasury confirms progress

News Watch

National Treasury has announced that South Africa is not expected to exit the Financial Action Task Force’s (FATF) greylist before June next year, aligning...

Warning over ‘synthetic’ identity theft in South Africa

News Watch

Criminals are creating synthetic identities by blending real personal details with fabricated information—a trend that has been further exacerbated by technological advancements and the...

Consumers face Fica-compliance drive Consumers face Fica-compliance drive

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The government is on a mission to reverse South Africa’s greylisting in the international financial services sector, and consumers of financial services are likely...

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