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They’re here: pbVerify’s all-new website and enhanced system have landed

pbVerify’s all-new website and enhanced system have landed

Our central data-hub of powerful and intelligent credit and identity information has received its long-awaited face-lift – with a faster system and exciting new products to boot.

As a leading data bureau with innovation at its core, pbVerify has been hard at work face-lifting our website and enhancing our service, so that we can bring you the most cutting-edge products, complete with the latest user interface.

Today, we are both delighted and proud to announce that, after months of blood, sweat, tears, late nights and too much coffee, our all-new website and supplemented online service is ready to go live.

On Monday 2 September, when you open, and log in to your account, you will be greeted with a vibrant new interface, and a greatly enhanced system, featuring more comprehensive data and faster response times on all our existing reports.

What can you expect from the new interface?


An eye-pleasing and functional dashboard featuring customisable weather updates and news strings to accompany your first cup of coffee in the morning. For our new customers, the new dashboard also features a site explaining the system’s main features and how to navigate through them.

We’ve added your Pending baskets to the dashboard, providing a clear view of outstanding bank reports, which are updated in real-time.

The new menu system makes it easier than ever to navigate our extensive range of products, either by product, or by bureaux. We’ve also enhanced the transaction history section, making it easy to search and find past transactions, and to download files.

Enhanced Reports:

Not only are our new reports beautifully formatted for you, they also contain enhanced quality data, which is now fully interactive. When opening a report, you can find the sections that are hyperlinked, and simply click on the relevant one/s. The links provide click-through functionality presenting more in-depth searches and reports on the data-subject.

New Products:

You can now remove customers you previously listed under the TransUnion Default Listing product. You no longer need to send letters for delisting or updating TransUnion, simply use the TransUnion Default Listing Manager on your Dashboard to manage, update or remove any listing.

But that’s not all

Our platform is gearing up to bring all our customers electronic FICA functionality, previously only available to large organisations and banks. These products, already available via API, will be launched within the next two months, so watch your emails for announcements..


First up on the list, is our new digital KYC (Know Your Customer) tool, KYCFactory. Developed by our SigniFlow software team, KYCFactory offers businesses a compliant, automated and fully digitised FICA system that caters for both juristic and natural persons, as per policy defined by the Risk Management and Compliance Programme (RMCP).

KYCFactory is the first fully digital end-to-end electronic FICA/AML (Anti-Money Laundering) solution on the market that requires no supporting documents, irrespective of whether your company is on-boarding a consumer or a business. You will be able to read all about this groundbreaker under its dropdown menu on the new pbVerify website.

KYCFactory’s consumer verification comprises configurable, automated processes, including a slick new online 3D liveness test that biometrically matches the person to their national identity document photo, identity data, and alive-deceased data while retrieving their address from over 100 trustworthy SACRRA sources. Juristic entities are equally provided for with a brand-new approach to FICA verification, through an electronic declaration that caters for Directors, Signatories and UBOs (Ultimate Beneficiary Owners) compliant with the new FIC Amendment Act.

KYCFactory incorporates our new Sanctions, PEP and PIP (Politically Exposed and Influential Persons) reporting tool, which enables you to manually screen prospective clients and perform enhanced due diligence on anyone, from any country. This service instantly reports on over 2.5 million detailed PEP profiles and detects individuals, organisations and vessels linked to more than 50 risk categories, including Sanctions, Foreign Officials, and State-Owned Enterprises.

The second part of our Sanctions screening service relates specifically to sanctions and embargoes – i.e. political trade restrictions put in place against target countries to maintain or restore international peace and security. KYCFactory automates reporting on business with individuals who pose a threat and are listed on OFAC (The Office of Foreign Assets Control) Mission. Read more here.


The next new entry, RapidLEI, is just as innovative and powerful. PBSA has teamed up with UK-based Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) innovator, RapidLEI, to build instant LEI registration into the pbVerify system.

Launched last year by our partner Ubisecure, RapidLEI’s pioneering automatic LEI issuance process takes the process of registering Legal Entity Identifiers, and reduces it from days to mere minutes. With regulation mandating the use of LEIs and new use cases now benefitting from the identity assurance LEIs can offer, this G20-endorsed organisation identifier is already achieving mass adoption.

To find out more about the history behind RapidLEI, and how the service automates the LEI issuance processes to deliver LEIs much faster and easier than ever before, click here. You can also watch Ubisecure’s video on this fully automated LEI process here.

 We look forward to hearing from you on our new website, system and products. If you have any queries or comments, please don’t hesitate to give us a ring on +27 (0)10 300 4898 or email [email protected].

pbVerify is a registered Credit Bureau in terms of section 43 of the National Credit Act 34 of 2005. Its data-systems, data-security and data-processing protocols are audited annually in accordance with the NCA. pbVerify follows strict ISO9001:2015 quality management processes that are audited and internationally certified by TUV Rheinland Germany. pbVerify engineers are certified in ISO27001 IT Security Management.


  1. SigniFlow – Digital KYC
  2. Ubisecure – RapidLEI From Ubisecure
  3. Ubisecure YouTube channel – RapidLEI fully automated Legal Entity Identifiers (LEI)

Source: pbVerify News

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