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Datanamix News

pbVerify maintains people-centric vision as it rebrands as Datanamix

We are a team of people inspired to build risk management products for the sole purpose of improving customers’ lives by arming them with thorough, accurate data.

Datanamix Gif

At pbVerify, we are committed to tangible progress and dynamism. This is a pledge that we, as a team of highly inspired individuals whose primary goal it is to improve the lives of our customers, are constantly reinforcing.

So, we could not be more excited to announce the management buy-out of pbVerify Credit Information Bureau from former holding company PBSA, effective 1 September 2022.

Introducing Datanamix Credit Information Bureau!

Going forward, pbVerify Credit Bureau software and solutions will exclusively be developed, supported, and marketed by Datanamix (Pty) Ltd.

pbVerify to Datanamix: New by name, but not by nature

Although our new name and logo are quite an about-turn in pure lexical and visual terms – our vision, our creeds and our people remain the same.

The pbVerify team members you’ve come to know are still their good, loyal selves and have not changed – they are all as enthusiastic and energised as ever to continue delivering outstanding services.

Our vision remains steadfast: To constantly revise and revamp our offering, to the ultimate end-goal of improving our customers’ lives.

While the website, as you see, has already taken on the new look and feel, the pbVerify name, look and logo will be gradually phased out in the system itself.

National Credit Regulator

On the formal business side of things, as with any big change, there are procedures that need to be followed to make the transition as compliant, professional, and snag-free as possible.

Due to processes regulated by the National Credit Regulator, the background business transition is a bit more involved, so some accounts may only transfer in due course.

Please be assured that as a valued customer, you needn’t worry about the formalities side of things. The Datanamix team members and customer success leaders will communicate progress with you regularly. In the interim, it is business as usual.

The journey continues

PBSA will continue its operations as one of the leading automation companies in South Africa. We want to take this opportunity to thank PBSA for its investment, dedication, and support to the pbVerify brand throughout our relationship. We wish PBSA’s leader, Michael Springer, and the team at PBSA all the best for the future.

Thank you for continuing this journey with us. We are excited to keep building products that improve our customers’ lives, under the fresh banner of Datanamix!

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